
Ok this post was supposed to be posted yesterday, but because of some technical difficulties (some call it procrastination, but I just don’t like the sound of that word), I am posting it today. And well, why can I not. Isn’t every day supposed to be mother’s day. Isn’t every day supposed to be a celebration of these superwomen that hide in plain clothes in our houses?

So, mama, even though belated (actually I did wish you on time yesterday), here’s wishing you a very happy mother’s day today as well!

Your children may not always spell it out to you, Mama, but you are everything to us. We thank you with all our heart for being the wonderful person that you are, for  loving us unconditionally, caring for us without limits and making us feel special every day.

From celebrating our birthdays


to now celebrating your grandkid’s


You have always been here.

And you have always been here with a smile and that beautiful face of yours 🙂

pa ma me

I know mama you worry about me a lot but know this that I’ll be fine and the reason I know that, is because I’ll always have you by my side.

Yes, you might not always agree with what I am doing but I also know that you will still be there to support me. And even when I am upset with you for not understanding, know that I know you only have the best of intentions.

And finally know this, that I love you.

I love you not only for being my mother, but for being all that you are- one of the sweetest persons I know; and as Vicky puts it a magnificent soul whose affection and compassion to everyone around you will always be an inspiration to Vicky and me.


As you can see I got Vicky to write a few words for you too, because you know how he is so much better at putting feelings into words. Did you know, mama, that when he had his ejection after his aircraft caught fire, as he pulled the handle to eject, to calm his fear of the unknown he involuntarily shouted out ‘mAma’.

I do that too. Well, when I see a scary movie. Or when someone jumps at me suddenly and scares me. Or when I get hurt. Because it’s your name that calms us. I guess that’s just one of your superhuman abilities. Even without being there physically, you are always there watching and protecting us.

I know you pray every night for our happiness and well being. Even when you are tired, and just want to sleep, you pray for us.

mama vicky me

If there could be a day dedicated to everything you did for us, it would be your day all year round.

And that’s why Happy Mother’s Day Mama, today and always. Love you.


P.S: Papa, we love you too :), but today is Mama’s day!

7 Thoughts on “Because every day is mother’s day!

  1. Sweet family and what a great tribute to your mom 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day!!
    Kiran @ KiranTarun.com recently posted..Chocolate Avocado Mousse TartMy Profile

  2. Very touching 🙂
    And your mom looks so pretty, esp in the first cake cutting pic…..

    Agree that moms are superwomen in plain clothes !
    indugetscooking recently posted..Tandoori Chicken with Coriander DipMy Profile

  3. this was a fitting tribute to a lady who has made our blogging so awesome by giving us this amazing blogger babe !
    sulagna recently posted..You Will Be The Wind Beneath My WingsMy Profile

  4. Deepa on 21 May, 2013 at 6:52 pm said:

    What an awesome post! Your parents are a very fine-looking couple and your “Mama” looks beautiful in the pictures! 🙂

  5. What a heartwarming tribute, wish I could express my feelings like you do.Your mom is so beautiful.

  6. jhanvi on 24 June, 2013 at 12:37 am said:

    your mother is really pretty . like old movie actresses but with more classic choices

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