A super easy recipe for oven roasted strawberries, that are great as toppings for ice cream, panna cotta, yogurt, pancakes, waffles, cakes and more.

Roasted Strawberries

Growing up I was always fascinated with strawberries. It was not something that was easily available fresh, and mostly available either in jam or ice cream form, that too the synthetic kind. Its not that India wasn’t producing strawberries, but the Indian palate had not taken to the sour taste of this bright red colored fruit, hence the fresh kinds were limited to supply to a few regions. Luckily now, fresh strawberries are easily available good part of the year, and without breaking your bank.

This year I plan to grow some strawberries, my unfortunate brown thumb permitting of course. I also do plan a herb garden, but let us see how all of it goes!

Coming to today’s recipe of roasted strawberries, its a super easy and delicious way to use strawberries, besides straight up eating them. I stumbled upon the recipe on Deeba’s site years ago and since then have used these roasted strawberries in tonnes of my dessert recipes. Roasted strawberries have made way as a topping on my panna cotta recipe here, in strawberry ice cream here and even in cakes. In each dessert they have been a hit, and so thought it is only fair that they get a post of their own.

The last time I made these roasted strawberries, I added a bit of orange blossom water too and love the combination. You can choose to omit it if you don’t have any on hand, or try a squeeze of orange juice instead. Adjust the sugar in the recipe according to how sweet or tart your strawberries are. Hope you get to try the recipe and in case you do, let me know how you used them. Comment here or tag me on your creations on instagram or facebook.

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Vegan, gluten free buddha bowl recipe with roasted vegetables, quinoa and chickpeas

Vegan Buddha bowl with roasted vegetables, quinoa and chickpeas

Buddha bowls are so good. They can be customized in so many different ways. They are not difficult to prep, which makes me wonder why I don’t make them more often. And since 2017 is the year of Buddha bowl, its only fair now when half the year is over, I share my first buddha bowl recipe today. I am sharing the recipe for this vegan and gluten free buddha bowl with roasted vegetables, quinoa and chickpeas and a cashew cream sauce.

I have always wondered, how the Buddha bowl got its name. This article on Epicurious  is a great read to know more about the history behind buddha bowls.

The article in Epicurious explains the origins in the following excerpt:

Buddha woke up before dawn every morning and carried his bowl through the roads or paths wherever he was staying. Local people would place food in the bowl as a donation, and at the end he would eat whatever he had been given,” explains Zigmond. “So that was the original Buddha Bowl: a big bowl of whatever food villagers had available and could afford to share. It was probably pretty healthy, since Buddha lived before the age of cheap processed food, but it was also probably pretty simple, maybe rice and a simple curry.

Since most buddha bowls are bowls overflowing with vibrant food, some also say the reason why its called a Buddha bowl, since it resembles Buddha’s belly. Whatever the origin, buddha bowls are nourishing meals with little bites of everything, arranged in a pretty and artful way- making them an instant instagram success.

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Light and easy gluten-free grilled chicken zucchini salad recipe that is perfect for a summer weeknight meal.

Grilled chicken Zucchini Salad

In summer, you need meals that are light, fresh and do not require too much time in the kitchen. This grilled chicken zucchini feta salad is all of that and yet so flavorful and filling.

A few days back, I shared the nutella mug cake recipe on my Facebook page from the blog archives. So today I thought I will redeem myself for all the calorie increase I resulted in, by sharing this healthy meal option.

The recipe for this grilled chicken zucchini salad is so easy and perfect to make on a weeknight. Its also great way to welcome Monday after bingeing during the weekend.

The feta lends the creaminess in this salad, the zucchini and almonds give crunch, the cranberries give a blend of sweetness and tartness, and the grilled chicken adds more flavor and makes the dish filling.

Grilled chicken Zucchini Salad

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