Today, me and my heating pad are inseparable.

Today, cooking is the last thing on my mind.

But today, is also Tuesday. One of the two days of the week that V does not eat non-vegetarian food.

Staying where we do, to-go options are slim, and vegetarian to-go options are next to none. The only things that count are pizza and really cheesy mexican food. V is not fond of really cheesy things and I did not care for pizza.

So, I had to think of something easy that I could make that would fill and satisfy V and my stomachs.

Jeera aloo came to the rescue.

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This post has been lying in my drafts for two weeks now. With all the pictures placed, but no words.

I don’t know but whenever I begin to write this post I experience what you call a writer’s block (although in no way I consider myself a writer- a blogger block would be a better term. Blogger block- bet you cant say that ten times quickly! I digress.)

So instead of posting the recipe, each time I decided to leave it for later. Instead the nutella mug post got published. Surprisingly there was no block for that. I tried again to write this post and instead the follow-up to the most dangerous cake got published.

Not that this recipe isn’t great. Oh it’s plenty great but I just don’t know how to introduce it.

I generally have some story of mine to add to my posts or some memory that recipe brings up. But I have not grown up on apple pies. I am Indian. Nor has anything exciting happened to me over the past few weeks. In other words, nothing exciting worth telling. Hence the blogger block.

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Yes, I know I missed another GMT this week. And I also know most of you would have not noticed, but I will still give an explanation for the absence!

I have such a backlog of recipes, that I thought I would attend to those first. Also, I was waiting for WordPress support to answer a query of mine before posting anything. But since they do not seem to be replying anytime soon (Hello, WordPress support, are you listening?), I thought I will post anyway.

And I am not lying when I say I have a backlog of recipes- there’s today’s post, Chipotle’s Burrito Bowl Copycat recipe, Tomatillo Salsa, Bbq Chicken Tacos, Apple Pie Tartlets and a Cottage Cheese Cake recipe in the pipeline. Not to mention a zafrani chicken recipe one of V’s colleagues requested me to try. Yes, some one has been busy in the kitchen.

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